TTIP, CETA & Co: Impacts on Health Care

European Public Health Alliance (EPHA)Contributions to the Stakeholder Meeting on TTIP and Health (May 2015):

EPHA Youtube-Video "The Impact of TTIP on Health in Europe"

Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD): Resolution on Intellectual Property Rights in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (October 2013)…



UK Faculty of Public Health (FPH) (March 2015): Trading Health?  Policy Report on the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership, Written by Mark Weiss LL.M.'threat_to_people's_health_in_uk_and_across_europe'
TTIP 'threat to people's health in UK and across Europe'. The UK Faculty of Public Health (FPH) and the European Public Health Association (EUPHA) are calling on the EU to oppose the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), a proposed free trade agreement between the European Union and United States.

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) (December 2014): The Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership: international trade law, health systems and public health. Written by Khan, U., Pallot, R., Taylor, D. and Kanavos, P. (enthält auch Links zu weiteren Studien)
Free trade agreements (FTAs) have the declared aim of seeking to increase global trade and promote economic growth. Historically, economic growth has led to improved population health. Yet this link is now weakening, and attention is being focussed on assessing the effect of FTAs on health and the ability of government to mitigate against negative impact. Within this context, this study presents an assessment of the health impact of the proposed FTA between the United States and the European Union.



Commons Network, Health Action International (HAI) Europe u.a., March 2014: TTIP and the Big Pharma Wish-List

The analysis of the 5 most worrying proposals of the pharmaceutical industry’s wish list for the EU-US trade agreement reveals a real threat to European public health systems and democracy. A report by the Commons Network and civil society partners shows that the pharmaceutical industry’s wish list for the TTIP is detrimental for public health, will increase the cost of medicines and undermines democratic processes.
Pressemitteilung auf deutsch dazu: "Zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen warnen: Vorschläge der Pharmaindustrie für ein US-EU Handelsabkommen bedrohen die öffentliche Gesundheit und untergraben demokratische Entscheidungsprozesse"

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), September 2015: Policy prescriptions. the firepower of the EU pharmaceutical lobby and implications for public health, September 2015…

A new report released today reveals the dramatic extent of the pharmaceutical industry's lobbying efforts towards EU decision-makers, with the industry spending an estimated 15 times more than civil society actors working on public health or access to medicines.



Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) (Sep 2015): Preempting the Public Interest: How TTIP Will Limit US States’ Public Health and Environmental Protections
The proposed chapter on Regulatory Cooperation in the TTIP threatens the authority and independence of US state governors, legislators, and executive agencies, and would fundamentally alter how environmental policy is developed, enacted, and implemented in the United States.

Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO), May 2015: A Toxic Affair. How the Chemical Lobby blocked Action on Hormone Disrupting Chemicals.…
An investigation led by research and campaign group Corporate Europe Observatory (CEO) and journalist Stéphane Horel exposes corporate lobby groups mobilising to stop the EU taking action on hormone (endocrine) disrupting chemicals (EDCs).

Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL), January 2015: Lowest Common Denominator: How the proposed US-EU trade deal threatens to lower standards of protection from toxic pesticides…

This report provides a critical analysis of the CropLife-ECPA proposal for regulatory cooperation under TTIP. It demonstrates the pesticide industry’s actual goal  of increasing trade while increasing the  risk of harm to European and American  citizens. It reveals the extent to which the pesticide industry is willing to go to maximize profits

Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy (IATP), July 2014: Leaked document reveals US-EU trade agreement threatens public health, food safety…


** ISDS / Investor-State Dispute Settlement **

The European Consumer Organisation (BEUC): Public Health Concerns on ISDS in TTIP. Contributions to the Stakeholder Meeting on TTIP and Health (May 2015)

Responses to the Public consultation on ISDS, July 2014:



Carlos M. Correa (Sep 2015): Intellectual Property in the Trans-Pacific Partnership: Increasing the Barriers for the Access to Affordable Medicines. South Centre Research Paper…

Doctors without Borders: TPP: A bad deal for medicine.

Trans Atlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) (November 2014): Resolution on Access to Medicines…

HAI Europe, OXFAM (September 2014): Trading Away Access to Medicines "Revisited": How the European trade agenda continues to undermine access to medicines
The ongoing Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) negotiations between the EU and the US are considering a number of clauses that could negatively affect Europe‟s public health. EU health systems which are already impacted by the high prices of new medicines and austerity measures can no longer bear huge medicines costs. TTIP could worsen this already sensitive situation.

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), September 2014: Making Sense of the CETA. An analysis of the final text of the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
Chapter on Intellectual Property Rights on Pharmaceuticals, p56-61 (Scott Sinclair)

Joel Lexchin and Marc-André Gagnon (May 2014): CETA and pharmaceuticals: impact of the trade agreement between Europe and Canada on the costs of prescription drugs Globalization and Health
CETA will only affect intellectual property rights in Canada—not the EU. This analysis estimates that CETA’s provisions will increase Canadian drug costs by between 6.2% and 12.9% starting in 2023. [...] CETA will therefore negatively impact the ability of Canada to offer quality health care.



CEO, EPSU, TNI, War on Want, AITEC, AK Vienna and IGO, Oct 2015: Public services under attack through TTIP and CETA. TTIP, CETA and the secretive collusion between business lobbyists and trade negotiators…

Meri Koivusalo, 07.08.2015: Health systems and the released documents on services and investment…
The exclusion of health services even from the key service and investment chapters is not clear and miles away from that of audiovisual services.

War on Want, August 2015: TTIP, CETA, TISA and public services

Youtube-Video "The Secret Deal that Threatens the NHS"

John Hilary, 27.02.2015: TTIP and the NHS: don't be fooled by new BBC 'leak'

Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), September 2014: Making Sense of the CETA. An analysis of the final text of the Canada–European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement
Chapter on Public Services, pp35-39 (Ellen Gould)

John Hilary, 14.07.2014: On TTIP and the NHS, they are trying to bamboozle us…





TTIP Services and Investment EU Proposal - Release July 31, 2015

TTIP and Health – Stakeholder meeting, 27.05.2015




** TPP **

TPP Treaty: Intellectual Property Rights Chapter - 5 October 2015

Updated Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - IP Chapter (second publication), 16/10/2014


TPP Transparency Chapter: Annex on Transparency and Procedural Fairness for Pharmaceutical Products and Medical Devices, 10/06/2015

Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) - IP Chapter, 13/11/2013

** TiSA **

Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA): A Concept Paper on Health Care Services within TiSA Negotiations [presented by Turkey in September 2014 at the Geneva TISA negotiations.]




29. September 2015

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